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La  Ragazzina

She runs graceful on a lovely beach wit the music of Nico Fidenco as soundtrack of her ride. It 's so that the blonde Gloria Guida enters in the imagination of the audience . A place that she will never leave, even today. Thirty years after her debut.

And the debut came in 1974 with "La Ragazzina" an erotic movie, very soft, directed by Mario Imperoli. It’s an important movie, a symbol, which in addition to launching the innocence of the mischievous blonde born in Merano and grown in Caselecchio di Reno, creates an endless series of children and stepchildren. That same year, Gloria is the protagonist of "La Minorerenne",shortly after in 1975 of "La Novizia" and "Blue Jeans" the second one directed by Imperoli. Facts than more than words indicate the boom of an actress but also, incidentally, represent her sentence of roles over the years will be very similar, although more and more comical.

The formula of "La Ragazzina" is very, very , simple. At the center of everything there is a clash between generations, young people attracted by the curious life and sex and older that from life are trying  to catch some spark of happiness.

Imperioli tries to tell a story by the way of society’s critics adding a little bit of drama.. The attempt is not always successful and doesn’t work affect neither the dramas of the young in search of true love, or the morbidity of adults drawn from sixteen or engaged with various lovers.

Monica is the protagonist of the story. Performed of course by Gloria Guida is a sixteen year old who has never found love yet. She goes around with dizzying skirts, showing white knickers that make crazy  her classmates, her teacher and even an old maniac lawyer. There are various intrigues and plans of conquest her in various way and we also have a history of prostitution that is not very developed and it disappears in the second part of the movie. Our Monica eventually falls in love, but everything is wrong and she is seduced and abandoned.

The dramatic ending leaves some puzzled, a little 'to the absurdity of the scene a bit' for a clumsy way to make us a moral.

Apart the angelic queen of the seventies, we find Colette Descombes great antagonist of Monica and Gianluigi Chirizzi familiar face of erotic films of the seventies, to name one "Malizia" by Samperi.


OriginalTitle: The Girl

Alternate Titles: Kesse Teens - Die erste Liebe (Germany), The lycéenne découvre l'amour (France), Mónica Amor eo (Portugal), Monika (USA), Oi anilikes to protimoun kafto (Greece)

Year: 1974

Country: Italy

Directed by: Mario Imperoli

Starring: Gloria Guide , Colette Descombes, Gianluigi Chirizzi, Andres Resino, Lucia Catullus

Production House: Rome International Film Screen Film