made with

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Incubo sulla città contaminata
Cool and infected zombies little vampires that run fast and are very intelligent. Splatter scenes, trash scenes, a certain preview on a known fact of nuclear contamination. And perhaps also a certain importance in the history of "28 Days Later" by Danny Boyle, not to mention the esteem Tarantino and Rodriguez (they couldn’t be missing); with the second that pays homage to this film in "Planet Terror".

An Umberto Lenz unleashed in a film that has become part of the imagination of every horror film aficionado, indeed, or rather, every b movie fan. Because we must admit that here we are in that world that we love so much, where a strange plot and a poor production open up to a world of paradoxical and crazy situations.
Lenzi, an old fox, knows very well how to catch the audience and knows how to use the few things available. The bad make-up of the zombies and the fake blood are forgive thanks to a series of events so scult to be missed. The massacre in the television studio, the slaughter in the hospital and a quantity of boobs that pops up here and there in a totally free way. Exquisite splatter moments with a breast cut through a perforated eye (almost like Fulci) and a head, that of Maria Rosaria Omaggio, which explodes after a pistol shot.
Horror and action are the goals, there is no doubt. So goodbye those stupid slow zombies with no ideas and welcome clever zombies with faces that look like muddies. Romero's cinema as refer and despite what has been written, ours, points to a social morality.
Dean Miller (Hugo Stiglitz) is a television journalist in charge of interviewing a scientist who is arriving at the airport. An airport rather isolated from everything and everyone. From this military aircraft in addition to the scientist arrive infected beings that begin their carnage. A radioactive leak from a nuclear power plant has infected humans who bite the city population with blows. We thus witness the adventures of those who try to save themselves, like Miller and his wife Ann (Laura Trotter), Murcinson (Mel Ferrer) and his wife Sheila (Maria Rosaria Omaggio).
Lenzi then closes with a double surprise twist. An idea that makes this film even more interesting with its ecological morality. A great cast does his duty and in addition to the aforementioned protagonists, there is also Francisco Rabal, Manuel Zarzo and Sonia Viviani.
An excellent chapter for that contaminated world that is genre cinema.