made with

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Las orgías inconfesables de Emmanuelle
Redemption and relapse into lust. Especially the second thing. But above all a film with only commercial goals, starting from a title in which an Emmanuelle stands out, which has nothing to do with the series. However it is not the first time that Franco follows the trail of the famous free woman, even if the previous time, that is in 1973, he was grappling with the Emanuelle with a single "m".
And it is certainly not the first time that we find ourselves in one of his films that is a long carousel of sex scenes, held together by a thin plot that justifies everything.
Ready and go and the two protagonists have sex in a wax museum. And from then on it is a succession of erotic adventures, straight and lesbian, with a hint of rape. No more interesting than the director's porn movies, one might say, but the one that softens the judgment on this 1982 film, making o forgive the infinite slamming of bodies, is some flash of good direction, that although it is far from the highest moments of the Franco's filmography occasionally gives us some pearls. But the best thing about this film is the natural scenery, which appears against the backdrop of tits and asses.
Muriel Montossé is Emmanuelle, married to Andreas (Antonio Mayans) who after a series of betrayals come back together and go on holiday in Andalusia. After having sex in the wax museum, the two spend the evening in a night club where a stripper invites a person on stage. The only one who answers is Emmanuelle who gives life to a lesbian show who shocks her husband. The roads of the two separate. She spends the night with the stripper and he returns to the hotel. But let's be clear, they both have a lot of fun. The two seek each other, they have a meeting but she is late due to the fact that two thugs rape her (oh well ...) and he decides to go home, giving us other sexual adventures, up to a happy ending.
Everyone fucks with everyone, but the only one who doesn't really enjoy himself is a certain Tony (Antonio Rebollo), a kind of narrator who calls himself a Spanish gentleman, although he moves the threads of history and is rather misogynistic.
Interesting soundtrack and scenes shot in Águilas and in the picturesque village of Mojácar, where it is said that Walt Disney was born, and was the illegitimate son of a nobleman and a laundress who later moved to the United States, giving up his son for adoption. In short, a story of vices and encounters, certainly more interesting than that of this film.